Course Overview
Duration: 5 days
Prerequisites: None
Required Software: No Magic’s MagicDraw (version 19.0+) with the SysML and Cameo Simulation Toolkit plugins or equivalent No Magic or Dassault Systèmes CATIA Magic products.
Intended Audience: MBSE practitioners needing extra focus on simulation in SysML (trade studies, MATLAB integrations, mock UIs, graphs/charts, etc.)
Course Description: Using a combination of lectures, demos, and interactive labs, this course provides a foundation for utilizing MBSE within the CATIA Magic environment. Students will learn SysML and its application within CATIA Magic. This course also provides students with a deep understanding of the simulation capabilities of CATIA Magic including: parametric simulations, behavioral simulations, trade studies, MATLAB integrations, mock User interfaces, creating graphs and charts, and more.
Course Material Covered: