Course Overview

Duration: 5 days


Prerequisites: Applying SysML with MagicDraw


Required Software: No Magic’s MagicDraw (version 19.0+) with the SysML plugin or equivalent No Magic or Dassault Systèmes CATIA Magic products


Course Description:

A workshop focused on automation within MagicDraw using the Groovy language. The course begins with modules teaching the basics for developing and running macros, the syntax of the Groovy language, how to build scripts for simulation or queries, how to utilize the MagicDraw and Java APIs, and how to access and read metamodels for languages such as SysML.

Afterwards, students are walked through several instructor-led examples of developing macros with increasing difficulty and highlighting common use cases of automations including: querying the model for analysis, creating new elements, relationships, and properties, editing existing elements, and creating diagrams and laying-out symbols.

Finally, students are given numerous problems to work on their own with instructor help where needed. At the completion of the workshop, students will have written dozens of macros that can be used directly on real projects or easily tweaked for enhancements.